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WMAW 2015

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Sir Edward:

I posted pictures to Facebook, but for those not on there, here's a gallery on my website:

During my first fight in the Deed, my helm popped off again. I was pretty fed up with that... and as it turns out, John van Hassel (Windrose Armory) was there in the vendor tent the next day, and I had him install a chin strap. For $20, the problem is solved.

These are the new Wisby-like gaunts I picked up from Darkwood Armory. I need to add some glue and stitches to keep things in place a little better, but I think the protection will be fantastic.

Looks like a fun time!

Sir James A:
I'll throw my 2 cents in here too.

This year was my first time at WMAW. Having only 1 year of WMA classes under my belt, I still had a great time. It's a 4 day event, but it still had enough for beginners to do and isn't just for the intermediate / advanced practitioners. And although there were some missing big names in the industry, since I've never seen them at this event, I didn't even notice the difference.

So for anybody wondering about attending in 2017, I recommend it!

Sir Rodney:
It looks like everyone had a blast!   :)

Though not historically accurate, those Darkwood gauntlets are dead sexy and awesome for SCA combat as well.   :D

Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Sir Rodney on 2015-09-25, 03:38:27 ---It looks like everyone had a blast!   :)

Though not historically accurate, those Darkwood gauntlets are dead sexy and awesome for SCA combat as well.   :D

--- End quote ---

Agreed. :)


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