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Author Topic: Fan question. What's your answer?  (Read 9152 times)


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Fan question. What's your answer?
« on: 2014-09-08, 06:17:43 »
Quote from: bshw
If you had a chance to live in one of the role-playing universes, which one would you live in and why?

This is a great question, not an easy question, and I love it!

I’m going to assume that you mean a Table Top RPG, PC, and Console and I’m not one of the NPC’s but one of the Kool Kids (PC’s) so I’m going to go with one answer to each. Mind these are the ones we want to be in MOST, not the only ones (especially for tabletop) and we have considered system, story, gameworld, etc.

Table Top: Me- Rifts RPG. Wife- Shadowrun.

PC: Me- Star Wars: TOR. Wife- World of Warcraft, Pre-Cataclysm.

Console: Me- Fable. Wife- <has never had a console>.

« Last Edit: 2014-09-08, 06:19:18 by Thorsteinn »
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Re: Fan question. What's your answer?
« Reply #1 on: 2014-09-08, 06:30:19 »
Wife: Shadowrun because it's a post-apocalyptic world where I have the chance to be part of PFM. It's gritty, it's techno & magic. So it's got a majority of the modern conveniences while still having PFM.

World of Warcraft because it amuses me to play a fucking Cow (Tauren), a fucking Cow riding a BATTLE CHICKEN!!!!!

Me: Rifts RPG because it too has both Tech, PFM, and Psionics. It's all that parallel world spanning, galaxy traveling, post-apocalyptic, anime, western, shining knights awesomeness rolled into one. Plus you get to kill Nazi's. The system may not be the best but the world itself is endless in possibility's. Add in mage's, glitterboy's, cyber-knights, wolfen, etc and you have one of my favorite, but underplayed, worlds.

Star Wars: The Old Republic because I want to be a Jedi baby. Use the Force, fly a spaceship, wield a lightsaber, kill the bad guys, and because Star Wars.

Fable because I just would sit for hours & play. it was Fable or Mass Effect but Fable won because I really really liked being able to do magic, fight, save the day (or not) but no matter what you had a world where good & evil were not so grey.
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Re: Fan question. What's your answer?
« Reply #2 on: 2014-09-08, 10:02:18 »
Tough one but narrowed down between Star Wars - Old Republic & Skyrim. Skyrim is my more likely choice. I play it so much.

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Re: Fan question. What's your answer?
« Reply #3 on: 2014-09-08, 23:07:29 »
Hmm,  I don't think Id actually want to live in any world I can think of. And if it has to be a game then.....World of Warcraft(Death knights are awesome) or Elder scrolls world.
(FB I said middle earth, but changing that now since it isn't really a video game open world wise)
Video Game Nots/hells
Kerbel space program test pilots.
Call of duty multiplayer(all 9 year olds included)
Minecraft(while a fun game, creepers are evil creatures)
Dark souls 1 and 2.
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Re: Fan question. What's your answer?
« Reply #4 on: 2014-09-09, 13:25:49 »
Naythan, there's an open-world RPG set in Middle Earth coming out soon where you play as a ranger-turned-revenant w/magic powers.  Should be a good game; but I don't know that I'd want to live in it.

It's a tossup between Skyrim and Mass Effect (I am really, really hooked on this game); love the idea of living a medieval life but truthfully, there are some modern contrivances that I'd rather not do w/out (air conditioning, refrigeration, cars) - plus being a spacefarer seems so wildly thrilling and interacting w/other life forms that aren't human is an exciting prospect.  Plus, it would seem there's enough physical compatibility to allow dalliances w/other races beyond humans...I'd be like Captain Kirk, I'm getting the blue chic.  lol
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Re: Fan question. What's your answer?
« Reply #5 on: 2014-09-09, 16:26:25 »
Yep, I’m going to have to say Star Wars, too. Simply because: Star Wars.
I guess it’s not technically an RPG universe, but shoot...they’ve done enough RPG stuff with it over the decades. Though my game of choice would have to be Star Wars: Galaxies or the old West End Games RPGs. Anything Original Trilogy-era. Jedi are nice and all, but I’d take a flight stick over a glowy stick any day. ;)

I mean, The Elder Scrolls has great lore, and there are a number of RPG worlds in which I wouldn't mind taking residence, but yeah...if I could pick any one that I wanted to live in the most: Star Wars.
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Re: Fan question. What's your answer?
« Reply #6 on: 2014-09-10, 13:23:35 »
Hmm, I'd have to say somewhere between Star Trek, Star Wars, and Mass Effect. :)

(yeah, that's right, I put Mass Effect on the same level with those)
« Last Edit: 2014-09-10, 13:24:06 by Sir Edward »
Sir Ed T. Toton III
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Sir William

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Re: Fan question. What's your answer?
« Reply #7 on: 2014-09-10, 20:11:07 »
As would I, Sir Edward  (and did)!  Far as I'm concerned, it is on the level w/them.  I heard they're gonna make a movie- man if they get it right, it'll be the SW for this generation.  I mean how hard could it be- the games had excellent voice acting, story and production values- costuming, makeup and CGI would round it out, they'd bluescreen it all except for smaller sets they could build to simulate areas like the Normandy's bridge or w/e.  I think the Citadel to be the coolest construct I've ever seen in the sci-fi genre.  How do they keep the atmosphere within the fins?  So cool.
The Black Knight, Order of the Marshal
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Re: Fan question. What's your answer?
« Reply #8 on: 2014-09-14, 18:11:29 »
D&D cause I could be anything I wanted to be....and I lived in that world in my mind for a very long time. This way I could use magic and live a life of chivalry, save people, help people and create a great life for myself.

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Re: Fan question. What's your answer?
« Reply #9 on: 2014-09-15, 14:46:08 »
In the Hyborian Age.