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Mass Effect 3

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Sir Edward:
Yeah, this is a good way to enjoy the series if you don't have time to play it, is this "movie series" edited together like a TV show:

All of your surviving squad members can return with cameos, or to join your team again. Plus, minor characters that you rescued or helped may come back and give you some dialog and some war asset points.

The video series above has all the main characters, but doesn't include all of the DLC missions (just a couple of them). If you watch it, I'd recommend watching it to the end, so you can see what you missed in ME3, but don't go past where you've played. You don't want the spoilers.

Also keep in mind that the videos only show one outcome for every situation. Scenes can play out very differently depending on your choices, and that will also impact future interactions with those characters, or other events that depend on past choices. The biggest being who lives or dies (the video series above saves as many of the characters as possible, so that you can see their return in ME3).

Sir Nate:
Guess I need to pay mass effect.

Sir William:
Naythan, yes you do.  I beat it early Sunday morning and restarted it after I woke up Sunday afternoon.  lol

It is difficult to go the Renegade route- I always have problems with that stuff; I know its just a game but a lot of the responses for that part are more pragmatic than I ever could be.  Still, an awesome game- thanks for that vid link Sir Edward, I'm going to check it out. 

Turns out, there're 8 different endings?  They were sure people would play it that much to find them all?  Well...having seen one already, I know I'll see at least two of them.  ;)

Sir Edward:

It's really more like 3 endings, with some variations in the level of destruction and who survives in the end, depending on your war assets. It's those 3 selections (assuming you even get all three available to you) that matter the most.

There was a huge public flap about the endings when the game first came out. People felt like all those massive amounts of decisions you made along the way, got distilled down to 3 endings that were very similar to each other. After the "extended cut", which added detail to the endings, I think they're fine. Most of the reaction, I think, was from a vocal minority who didn't get the exact ending they wanted.

Sir Nate:
Well isn't that more meaningful? If the whole game your making decisions, and sacrifices, then finally there is that big decision.


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