Miscellaneous > The Sallyport


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Here is the Society for Creative Anachronism's Newcomers Portal.


You'll find a few members here. Me among them.

-Thorsteinn Raudskeggr
I live in the Province of the Silver Desert which is in the Principality of Cynagua in the Kingdom of the West.

I live in Huffman so I guess Gate's Edge is the closest. This sounds and looks awesome. Just two questions, what's the average age in general, and how exactly do I go about becoming a member?


--- Quote from: FreelancerJericho on 2014-08-17, 05:34:55 ---I live in Huffman so I guess Gate's Edge is the closest. This sounds and looks awesome. Just two questions, what's the average age in general, and how exactly do I go about becoming a member?

--- End quote ---

Huffman (State), Gates Edge (Barony)?

Average age varies depending on location (Reno's is higher than Sacramento for example).

While you don't need to be a member to come to events, it is only $35/yr to join. Go to here to join: https://members.sca.org/apps/#Join

I've posted to the SCA Facebook page for folks in your area.

Would it be OK if I sent you a friend request on fb?

Lord Chagatai:
I live in the Barony of al-Barran in the kingdom of the Outlands...I am here for anything you need and I am in service to whatever you need...

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD


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