Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Sir Nate:
Though I'm not a member of the group, I'm part of the barony of Bahkail.
One of the southernmost of the eastern kingdom baronys, and I am not terribly far from the one of the famous annual Sca events, pennsic.
Sir Rodney:
--- Quote from: Baron de Magnan on 2014-08-17, 03:13:38 ---My only gripe with SCA is the ungodly amount of farbiness. Sure there are some authentic groups/units, but it seems the vast majority are there for fun rather than for historic interpretation and presentation. You'll find everyone's got a strongly held opinion on the spectrum of authenticity.
--- End quote ---
It’s true that there’s a very wide range of historically accurate kits in the SCA. I believe it’s due to a combination of:
A) (Intentionally) loosely stated regulations
B) Duration of your membership (generally, longer = more accurate)
C) Time available for the hobby
D) Funds available for the hobby
E) What you personally want out of it (court follower, fighting, hanging out, education, classes, partying, etc.)
F) A 1,000 year time frame from 600 to 1600
F) All the above
With 30,000 members in any organization you’re going to get a wide range of interests and involvement. Heck, even the small Mercenary band I belong to has members up and down this range.
There are strong opinions held by many in regards to historical accuracy and which direction the SCA should go in the future. After two decades I’ve come to the conclusion that each individual must plot their own course. I take care of what I can with my limited means while remaining true to my greatest attraction to the SCA: Hitting people with rattan, repeatedly. :)
Mercenary band? This greatly interests me.
Eva de Carduus Weald:
I am a member of the Barony of Namron in the Kingdom of Ansteorra. I have also found a broad spectrum of accuracy or interest in accuracy. Honestly it fulfills come of the things I am looking for, for one the people are all awesome. I have never known people who were so very welcoming right from the start, but as far as some of the rules like your king or queen is chosen only through combat and if you want to be a knight you must do armored combat and do it well. I can understand sort of the latter (although personally I think rapier should also qualify) I really don't understand the former. Being able to kick the butt of everyone else with a stick is not a solid basis for the head of government. It just makes you the biggest bully on the playground IMHO.
I am very new to SCA but if I can be of assistance i certainly will try.
Oh as far as mercenary groups, i belong to 2 ish. :D but I can't talk about one of them, sorry.
Aiden of Oreland:
Does it count if I am part of the Foxtail Mercenary Company. It may be airsoft, but hey, a mercenary is a mercenary.
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