Main > The Courtyard

Congratulations Sir Brian!

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Sir Wolf:
all finger nails intact?

Don Jorge:
oooo nice! You probably fought some of my group from Triange Sword Guild...Ben I think was in the finals for steel and Casper did synthetic I think...hope you guys had a blast!

Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2014-07-20, 12:43:02 ---all finger nails intact?
--- End quote ---

Yes right up to this mornings coaching/dueling class with the Live steel champion Axel Petterson. In the last duel the same kid that gave me my only defeat in the first round pool got my index finger pretty good but otherwise I dominated him...had to get my 'backs' on the kid. In the next year or so he'll likely mop the floor with me! ;)

Sir Douglas:
Awesome! Congratulations, Sir Brian! ;D

Sir James A:
Congratulations Sir Brian! Sorry I missed it. :o


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