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Congratulations Sir Brian!

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Sir Brian:
The video of all the finals are suppose to be uploaded in a week or two.
I can't wait because Sir Edward and I missed most of the finals since we were
squires for Jess Finley and Sean Hayes getting armored up for their harnischfechten
demonstration at the awards dinner.  :)

Lord Dane:
Huzzah Sir Brian!! :) Did you leave a green trademark upon the fallen??

Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Lord Dane on 2014-07-21, 21:40:56 ---Huzzah Sir Brian!! :) Did you leave a green trademark upon the fallen??

--- End quote ---

No but I did get some compliments on my kit in that I was very 'green' which convinced me they really should have a best dressed category at these events as I may be a serious contender! ;)

Sir Brian:
Here is a picture of my first match in the elimination round against an awesome fighter Michaelangelo Reina, I'm still not exactly sure if he had made an attack against my blade while I was preparing my own attack or what but it was a beautiful disarm. If I recall I actually grabbed his blade in a futile attempt to stop him from giving me the coup de grace. :)

** update **
Angel posted a youtube video on his FB page.

I really got a break when he accidentially trip. I would have definitely lost if he didn't have that mishap. 

Sir Martyn:
Wow great bout - sorry I missed that.  Congrats again, Sir Brian.

Hope to make it next year for sure.


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