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Which melee weapon would you least want to face?

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Sir Rodney:
I fear any weapon in the hands of a skilled opponent.  Skill and speed, not size or quality of kit, deserve a healthy respect.  Countless times I’ve witnessed a cocky lad cut to pieces by someone twice (three times!) his age.

To answer your question more directly – in the SCA, I fear a two-handed sword in the hands of an inexperienced fighter.  That s**t hurts, bad.  People get broken.

Eva de Carduus Weald:
Any weapon is worthy of respect, I think though that if you train against everything you can you learn when to dodge, when to press advantage, and when to just toss up the white flag and call it good. No need to end up a smear on the grass.

Lord Dane:
Fear any opponent whose skill you are not familiar with. Makes you more aware before you decide to strike first. Always expect someone to know something you do not. Never assume you are better than another. In doing this, you become better by how you react to the threat. Always self-improve to better your ability and you become more a threat to an opponent. The unfamiliar is what makes you hesitate but leads to better form in action. Study, practice and perfect your abilities.

In my period it would be a Daneaxe.

Out of my period it would be a Hussite War Flail.

Aiden of Oreland:
Idk if this counts, but war dogs of any sort would probably be the most terrifying thing me. They are fast, strong, and can tear out your throat in seconds.

If it had to be an actual man made weapon it would be the dagger/knife. For no matter what armor you have on, a dagger/knife can find a weak point. Plus in my honest opinion it is the perfect weapon. Why else would it still be used to this day?


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