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RenFaires 2014 Season

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Sir Martyn:
Looks like Bristol was a lot of fun, Ed - maybe next year we could go down as a group.

Who's headed to MDRF and when?  Brian/Ed are you still going every wknd?  We should try and muster the Order for a showing (and weather permitting of course).

Sir James A:
I'm still a hopeful for closing day, but that is likely to be the only one if I can get to Days of Knights. If I can't get to Days of Knights, first/second weekend in October I'll also try to go to MD Renn Fest.

Sir Edward:

I'm still going more often than not, but this season will be a little hit-or-miss. I have some conflicting events, and my wife and I are also sometimes just not bothering to go if we don't like the weather, or just aren't in the mood.

So I'd say it's probably a good idea to give us a head's up when you're thinking of going.

Sir Nate:
Right now I am looking at the 11th and 12th of October. Or the 4th and 5th.
Due to some things at home, I'm think I'm only going to be able to make it to the MD faire once this season.

Sir Brian:
I’ll be there every Sunday this month. I still haven’t decided if I’ll make the first weekend in October as I’m contemplating on going to the Triangle European Martial Arts Conclave (TEMAC) which is organized and sponsored by the Knightly Order of the Fiat Lux. The second weekend I will be somewhere tropical (wherever and whenever my wife decides we are going to) to celebrate our 25th anniversary.


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