Main > The Courtyard

Szymon Chlebowski Feder

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Mike Edelson's review of this interesting feder.

Sir Brian:
Lol, I remember that fight at Shortpoint he mentioned! It was freaking intense and more than one blade was bent! Mike's (the one in the video) was the worst one though. I'm glad he was able to straighten it.

OMG if it was bent THAT much in the duel and the demonstration on his thrusting pell put that blade a notch below an aluminum blade for stiffness then those guys were hitting HARD!  :o

Sir Nate:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2014-06-21, 15:43:34 ---Lol, I remember that fight at Shortpoint he mentioned! It was freaking intense and more than one blade was bent! Mike's (the one in the video) was the worst one though. I'm glad he was able to straighten it.

OMG if it was bent THAT much in the duel and the demonstration on his thrusting pell put that blade a notch below an aluminum blade for stiffness then those guys were hitting HARD!  :o

--- End quote ---
I think I Remember you mentioning that Demo, And how this guy was bending peoples blades when he struck them.
I understand what Mike means when he says some blades have the feel of a sword while the others don't.

Sir Martyn:
I really can't see why you'd ever need/want to hit that hard with steel - seems excessive.


--- Quote from: Martyn on 2014-07-01, 02:05:32 ---I really can't see why you'd ever need/want to hit that hard with steel - seems excessive.

--- End quote ---

Tell that to Duke Icefalcon, Aveloc Twice-born, or Viscountess Sir Brynne MacClellan.  ;)


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