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Sir Patrick:
Hail and well met!

Sir Douglas:
Welcome to the Forums!

--- Quote from: Ian on 2014-06-19, 21:03:49 ---Hopefully you choose not to go too historically accurate if you develop an Order of Saint Lazarus kit... but if you do, please make sure you're wearing a bell at all times and don't get too close to us! :)

--- End quote ---


Don Jorge:
Welcome! What kingdom do you hail from? I myself am in Atlantia!

Sir Edward:

Welcome to the forum!

--- Quote from: Ian on 2014-06-19, 21:03:49 ---Hopefully you choose not to go too historically accurate if you develop an Order of Saint Lazarus kit... but if you do, please make sure you're wearing a bell at all times and don't get too close to us! :)

--- End quote ---




--- Quote from: Ian on 2014-06-19, 21:03:49 ---We have several Crusade era enthusiasts here, especially some Teutonic guys.  Hopefully you choose not to go too historically accurate if you develop an Order of Saint Lazarus kit... but if you do, please make sure you're wearing a bell at all times and don't get too close to us! :)

--- End quote ---

Haha, yeah. I believe they had actually had some healthy knights in the Order as well, but obviously the leprosy bit is what they tend to be better known for. If only when losing an arm or a leg in an SCA fight I could have a prosthetic to drop...somehow, I don't think having more loose items on the field would be looked too kindly upon. A bell would make for an interesting addition, though.

--- Quote from: Don Jorge on 2014-06-20, 01:50:34 ---Welcome! What kingdom do you hail from? I myself am in Atlantia!

--- End quote ---

I hail from the Midrealm, Barony of Brendoken, specifically the Marche of Gwyntarian. Had been wanting to get involved for years, but until now hadn't had a schedule that I could work consistently going to practice around.


Thank you all for the warm welcome! I'll be asking questions around the forum throughout today, more than likely (slow day at work), so I'll be around!  :)


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