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I found your website while searching around for more information on Knightly Orders. Browsed around the forum for a good amount of time, and finally decided I would like to register and participate in discussions (if you'll have me, of course.)

I am getting involved with the SCA, and have always liked...well, basically all things medieval, naturally, but always found myself gravitating around Arthurian legends and examples of Chivalric ideals. For SCA related things, I am primarily interested in both the Teutonic Knights and the Order of Saint Lazarus, and want to draw inspiration from them for garb and armor styles that I invest in.

Apart from that, I've always held myself to a higher standard than what I hold others to, and am interested in emulating better the Chivalric Ideal, both for my SCA persona and in my daily life.



--- Quote from: Vincent on 2014-06-19, 21:01:12 ---For SCA related things, I am primarily interested in both the Teutonic Knights and the Order of Saint Lazarus, and want to draw inspiration from them for garb and armor styles that I invest in.

--- End quote ---

Welcome to the forums!

We have several Crusade era enthusiasts here, especially some Teutonic guys.  Hopefully you choose not to go too historically accurate if you develop an Order of Saint Lazarus kit... but if you do, please make sure you're wearing a bell at all times and don't get too close to us! :)

Welcome! It's nice to have another SCAdian on the forum. :)

-Thorsteinn Raudskeggr
Silver Desert, Cynagua, Kingdom of the West.

Lord Dane:
Welcome to the forum. There's plenty of us SCAdians here. Templars and Teutonics alike as well. :)

Lord Dane Williams
Knight & Marshal, Order of the Lily Cross
SCA - Barony of the Bridge, East Kingdom

Aiden of Oreland:
Welcome to the forum! You will find everything you need and more here!


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