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Author Topic: Heraldic Gonfalons - but on a smaller scale  (Read 14192 times)

Sir Edward

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Re: Heraldic Gonfalons - but on a smaller scale
« Reply #15 on: 2014-08-15, 13:47:51 »
Still, I am practicing music right now and I will stick with it.....until I don't anymore ;P

See, that's the part right there, that our loved ones have a hard time understanding. I don't know why. :) There comes a point where you simply have to stop... until you start up again someday... and then stop again. And so on. What's so hard to understand about that? lol :)
Sir Ed T. Toton III
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Eva de Carduus Weald

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Re: Heraldic Gonfalons - but on a smaller scale
« Reply #16 on: 2014-08-15, 16:53:09 »
Exactly! I don't know why it is so hard to understand personally. I mean if you try and force a project A) it isn't fun anymore and the whole point of doing it is to have fun and make something cool, and B) it typically doesn't come out as awesome as if it would if you didn't force it. Silly loved ones, they just don't understand. *shakes head sadly*