Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Mens Wedding Ring Help

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Lord Dane:
Thorsteinn, I found you the perfect solution to this dilemma.

Hope it helps you.

A Westie fighter & blacksmith posted this to me.

"The Chivalric Virtues of Courtesie, Honor, Franchise, Prowess, Humilitie, Valor, and Faith are inscribed on this ring. $49"

 {link removed as it is dead.}

Sir Edward:

I like it!

Aiden of Oreland:
Usually a plain, stainless steel or silver band works. That's what my parents use anyway. For its simple, attractive, and will last forever. One must consider what his wife is into, not what you would want. That's just my honest opinion. I don't know your wife, but if you think she would like it, than go with it :) it is a pretty nice ring.

Lord Dane:
I think the ring is for HIM not his wife.


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