Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Mens Wedding Ring Help
Aiden of Oreland:
--- Quote from: Thorsteinn on 2014-06-18, 02:40:45 ---OK, shopping for wedding rings for guys is not easy. Found some in Sears.com, but I could use some suggestions. A plain silver band we found 3 good versions of, but if I'm doing this once then yeah, keeping the door open to something interesting. Under $100.
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Oops! Missed that part, silly me :P
Sir Edward:
--- Quote from: Thorsteinn on 2014-06-21, 21:34:38 ---A Westie fighter & blacksmith posted this to me.
"The Chivalric Virtues of Courtesie, Honor, Franchise, Prowess, Humilitie, Valor, and Faith are inscribed on this ring. $49"
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Where is it from? (link?)
What material?
I think it's pretty awesome, but curious about the details.
The pic is a click-through link. :)
Sir Edward:
--- Quote from: Thorsteinn on 2014-06-22, 16:20:58 ---The pic is a click-through link. :)
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Ahah, so it is. :) The page still doesn't say what metal(s) it is. That might be good to know. For instance, if it's copper, you'll have a permanently green finger. :)
It could be that it's silver, and the lighting and reflections are giving it that color in the photo.
I emailed the maker & here's what she said:
Good afternoon!
--- Quote ---The Virtues ring comes standard in Sterling Silver for $49 in sizes from 8 to 16. I can make them larger than that, but it will cost an extra $8. It's about 7 or 8mm wide. If you'll be at Pennsic you can try one on to see how you like the fit.
I'm always flattered to have my work considered for a piece you intend to wear always. Thank you! I'm happy to answer any other questions you may come up with.
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