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Author Topic: Helm Padding help.  (Read 4800 times)


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Helm Padding help.
« on: 2014-06-12, 03:38:16 »
I'm repadding my helm for the first time in ever. I bought some Icefalcon padding and I own a Windrose MTO Conical Norman. I've got 1/2" clearance and was hoping to do a padded coif for comfort (have pattern & spare batting).

But I'm having a major brainfart regarding how to put it all together. I know I should be putting gaps between the pads even around the brow but I forgot how big & how big to make the pads. Whether to make it removable or not etc.

Help a fighter out here. :)
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Sir James A

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Re: Helm Padding help.
« Reply #1 on: 2014-06-12, 14:28:21 »
I've been using a regular thick-quilted liner for mine this year. What's the IceFalcon padding, specifically? Modern or period style?
Knight, Order of the Marshal
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