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Working on my Coif

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--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2014-03-23, 12:56:52 ---can you lay your coif flat on the table?

what i worry about is that the expanding method on these new coifs has been over done or outta whack a little. the rows of rings should layer perfectly horizontal to each other and not at odd angles.

are you going to attach this to your hauberk? i would personally put the coif of first then the hauberk or at the very least wear the surcoat over the mantle area. if not i would get some rings and add to the mantle. it looks like it's in the inbetween stage of being done and almost there.

other than that it looks cool man. great start. light years above the 14 guage galv butted coif i started with :)

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Sure, I'll get a pic of it when I'm a bit more awake.

Funny you should mention hauberk attachment, because that thought ran through my head today... I'm tempted to do it. I'd have to weigh the pros and cons of it, in any case.

And thanks! I actually enjoy riveting maille. It's tedious, yeah, but it's not boring.

Sir Rodney:

I’m also looking at All Best Stuff for a riveted aventail.  What size rings did you go with (9 MM?).  Were you able to pick up loose rings and a tool from them as well?


--- Quote from: Lord Rodney on 2014-03-23, 15:07:20 ---Stanislaw,

I’m also looking at All Best Stuff for a riveted aventail.  What size rings did you go with (9 MM?).  Were you able to pick up loose rings and a tool from them as well?

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The coif I have here is made of 8mm 17 gauge rings. Kindly enough, Sir Ulrich lent me his dome riveting tool and a bunch of spare links and rivets to use to attach the parts of the aventail that I cut down and modified. If they sell riveting tools, I'm not aware of it.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Stanislaw on 2014-03-23, 13:00:45 ---
--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2014-03-23, 12:56:52 ---can you lay your coif flat on the table?

what i worry about is that the expanding method on these new coifs has been over done or outta whack a little. the rows of rings should layer perfectly horizontal to each other and not at odd angles.

are you going to attach this to your hauberk? i would personally put the coif of first then the hauberk or at the very least wear the surcoat over the mantle area. if not i would get some rings and add to the mantle. it looks like it's in the inbetween stage of being done and almost there.

other than that it looks cool man. great start. light years above the 14 guage galv butted coif i started with :)

--- End quote ---

Sure, I'll get a pic of it when I'm a bit more awake.

Funny you should mention hauberk attachment, because that thought ran through my head today... I'm tempted to do it. I'd have to weigh the pros and cons of it, in any case.

And thanks! I actually enjoy riveting maille. It's tedious, yeah, but it's not boring.

--- End quote ---

If the coif fitment is similar to mine (different maker) then having it attached means you won't be able to take it off for a breather. Mine isn't open enough to fold back like a hoodie, so with it attached it would have to stay on my head until I armor down.

Just stitched a 3-layer heavy linen liner onto this coif tonight! For my first time sewing maille to fabric, it was an interesting experience, but I got the job done. I can secure the aventail to the coif in a variety of ways with my leather string, all of them giving pretty much the same general look:


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