Main > The Armoury

Working on my Coif

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So, I've been working on an Allthebeststuff coif, adding a custom ventail to it made with some rings cut from what used to be a large part of the aventail. I haven't added a heavy linen liner to it yet, because my heavyweight linen thread has not arrived yet, but here's how it currently looks:

(And yes, I have an enormous head! :P The GDFB coif I have on just adds to the size. I'm really glad that I ordered a 27 inch helm! My old Rus' helm doesn't even fit on this monstrosity.)

I'm really starting to like the look of it, and am surprised at how much it already resembles coifs from numerous effigies and other art.

If anyone's wondering why the ventail is somewhat "lopsided" looking, that is because I didn't point the leather thread through all of the maille rings  I could have in those pics. What I essentially do is I point two leather tie ends to the ventail, which is partially attached to a strip of maille that I added to the bottom of the facial opening, and then wrap one end around the coif to achieve the "globular" look. I then return to the front of the ventail, where I point and tie both ends repeatedly, vertically up the ventail, until everything looks right. This method is actually extremely secure - jumping and running around does nothing to shift it.

Aiden of Oreland:
Looking cool I must say :)


--- Quote from: Sir Aiden on 2014-03-23, 04:53:42 ---Looking cool I must say :)

--- End quote ---

Thanks!  ;D

Sir Wolf:
can you lay your coif flat on the table?

what i worry about is that the expanding method on these new coifs has been over done or outta whack a little. the rows of rings should layer perfectly horizontal to each other and not at odd angles.

are you going to attach this to your hauberk? i would personally put the coif of first then the hauberk or at the very least wear the surcoat over the mantle area. if not i would get some rings and add to the mantle. it looks like it's in the inbetween stage of being done and almost there.

other than that it looks cool man. great start. light years above the 14 guage galv butted coif i started with :)


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