Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Argument: Templar vs Teutonic Knight

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Mike W.:
Initially yes, but their role shifted from hospital care, to armed pilgram escort, to a full-fledged fighting force (say that 10 times fast).The Hospitallers fought in a number of engagements, mostly serving militarily in and after the Second Crusade. They participated in the Battle of the Horns of Hattin and those who were captured were executed. They also participated in the Battles of Arsuf and Jerusalem. Additionally, they played a large role in the fifth and later crusades.

Sir Nate:
Well in kingdom of.....
No im just kidding,
And hospitallers may be up there, But ive always viewed it as Teutonics have the shortest of 3 straws.

Sir Douglas:

--- Quote from: Sir Nate on 2014-03-12, 03:05:00 ---But ive always viewed it as Teutonics have the shortest of 3 straws.

--- End quote ---

Yeah, it seems like they're one of the "Big Three" Crusading Orders among medievalists, but are often forgotten by more casual observers of the Crusades. The Baltic Crusades in general don't seem to be quite as "popular" an area of study as the Outremer ones.

And let's not forget about guys like the Orders of Santiago and Caltrava. They're often overlooked even among the medieval community.

Mike W.:
Or the Order of the Holy Sepulchre, the Order of St. Lazarus, and the Order of Mt. Joy

Aiden of Oreland:
Or the Order of the Marshal, oh wait never mind... Well me and my brother do not deny the other orders, its just the two largest one we were discussing.


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