Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Argument: Templar vs Teutonic Knight

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Sir James A:
The Templars were around first. When the Teutonics were founded, they were based off of the Templars. If I remember right, Teutonics were also both subject to the Pope (Sir Nathan, can you confirm?) along with the Hospitalers too. So at any given time, their equipment and training was similar. Some kind of political differences, but similar. At their height, the Templars had a massive sphere of power and influence - as did the Teutonics - but at least a century or two apart.

I remember a mentioning that they fought together at the fall of Acre, but I don't remember any mention of them fighting each other. Most of my interest is Templar (I have maybe 1 or 2 Teutonic books, and 8 or 10 Templar books) ... I just absorb a bit of Teutonic here and there from Sir Nathan. :)

Sir William:
Italian of course; Chicago pizza is just nasty.  lol

Nate, I have read that reference so many times I can almost recite it verbatim.

Sir Nate:

--- Quote from: Sir James A on 2014-03-08, 16:12:05 ---The Templars were around first. When the Teutonics were founded, they were based off of the Templars. If I remember right, Teutonics were also both subject to the Pope (Sir Nathan, can you confirm?) along with the Hospitalers too. So at any given time, their equipment and training was similar. Some kind of political differences, but similar. At their height, the Templars had a massive sphere of power and influence - as did the Teutonics - but at least a century or two apart.

I remember a mentioning that they fought together at the fall of Acre, but I don't remember any mention of them fighting each other. Most of my interest is Templar (I have maybe 1 or 2 Teutonic books, and 8 or 10 Templar books) ... I just absorb a bit of Teutonic here and there from Sir Nathan. :)

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I haven't seen Sir Nathan on in a few days
I have about 3 Templar books. Ive read about 9.

Mike W.:
poor Nathan's probably bogged down with midterms
I like how nobody even considered introducing the Hospitallers into the fight. They are sooo under-appreciated.

Aiden of Oreland:

--- Quote from: Baron de Magnan on 2014-03-11, 19:57:24 ---poor Nathan's probably bogged down with midterms
I like how nobody even considered introducing the Hospitallers into the fight. They are sooo under-appreciated.

--- End quote ---

They were mentioned, and they got more "maille" in one pinky then the templars and teutonics combined lol. But Hospitallers were more for defending hospitals I think then actually getting out there to fight, most of the time.


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