Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Argument: Templar vs Teutonic Knight

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Aiden of Oreland:
Teutonics are luckier than templars so teutonics would win?

Sir William:
I think the only real advantage a Templar might have over a Teuton is that the Templar was all-in; not knowing much about the Teutonic Order, I can't really comment on it (but Sir Nathan could, at length) but Templars believed that to die on the battlefield was the ultimate sacrifice to God and their reward would be entry into Heaven so in a fight, a Templar wouldn't back down.  The rank and file were zealous in the pursuit of their religion and all that it entails- up to an including death to all unbelievers.  My guess is, if you told a Templar that a Teuton was an unbeliever, that Teuton might be in trouble.  ;)

Sir Nate:
Well im sure alot of them were death to non believers. But If someone wasnt there enemy. Say another crusader who is a non believer. He may  just kick his arse. but idk if hed kill him.

Aiden of Oreland:
Tuetonics also fight for god at all costs. The have won battles that were against greater foes.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Aiden on 2014-03-06, 20:16:01 ---Tuetonics also fight for god at all costs. The have won battles that were against greater foes.

--- End quote ---

Just like Templars ;)

Templars had specific rules demanding that they don't leave the field of battle unless outnumbered - I forget specifics but maybe 3 to 1? Also ordered that they don't leave unless the Templar banner has fallen. They are not to be taken prisoner, they are to retreat or die.


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