Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Argument: Templar vs Teutonic Knight
Sir Brian:
And to put it into a more recent and personal perspective:
At the Capitol HEMA Open January 26, 2013. I defeated Sir Edward in a longsword duel. A mutual friend of ours named Josh beat me in a following duel, then Sir Edward beat Josh. – Who wins in a duel? The better fighter each and every time! ;)
Sir Nate:
Ok ok ok.
Templar and Hospitaller: unknown outcome
Templar and Teutonic: Its tuff not to have a biased opinion. But im still going to say a Templar would 67 percent chance win.
Sir Edward:
--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2014-03-04, 19:58:14 ---And to put it into a more recent and personal perspective:
At the Capitol HEMA Open January 26, 2013. I defeated Sir Edward in a longsword duel. A mutual friend of ours named Josh beat me in a following duel, then Sir Edward beat Josh. – Who wins in a duel? The better fighter each and every time! ;)
--- End quote ---
That was great! I love it when it works out that way.
But yes, the thing is, sometimes "the better fighter" is the guy who gets a lucky shot, or knows one move really well and executes it perfectly, or just simply doesn't have the sun in his eyes. Or maybe the other guy is having a bad day. There are so many factors, it's almost impossible to predict the outcome.
Sir Nate:
In real life it is impossible. And for the chance of both warrios following their training step by step, is unlikely.
Sir Douglas:
It all comes down to who ate their Wheaties the morning of the battle.
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