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Author Topic: Oh my... (Highlander)  (Read 13304 times)

Sir Edward

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Re: Oh my... (Highlander)
« Reply #15 on: 2009-01-22, 16:31:37 »

That's true. And I'm impressed that they started delving into some of the issues of living many lifetimes right in the first few episodes. As teenagers, we loved the swordfights, and the style. But Highlander has always also been about coping with the world changing around these long-lived individuals. It's not necessarily deep, but there's some interesting philosophical concepts underneath the surface.

The funny thing is, I started growing my hair out into a pony-tail shortly before the series started, originally because I was a "starving college student", new to the dorm life, and too lazy to get a haircut. But once the show started, I thought "that looks pretty good, maybe I'll let it keep growing longer". I also owned a black duster... and by the time Highlander 3 hit the theaters, when I went to go see it, the guy in the box office just knew which movie I was there to see by looking at me. It was hard to convince people I wasn't just copying Highlander... :)

Sir Ed T. Toton III
Knight Commander, Order of the Marshal

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