Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Going to the Bathroom in Full Harness
Aiden of Oreland:
They make a curtain part for the braies so that it is easier to relieve yourself. I saw them sold some where but I can't quite remember.
Sir James A:
--- Quote from: Sir Aiden on 2014-02-19, 04:28:50 ---They make a curtain part for the braies so that it is easier to relieve yourself. I saw them sold some where but I can't quite remember.
--- End quote ---
Later style hosen and pants had a codpiece / fly. I wear this style pants with my armor:
I haven't tried to "use the facilities" for either. I think the best answer is similar to Sir Ian's; I'm going to quote Ironman, because, well I love Ironman....
"How do you go to the bathroom in the suit?"
(pause and facial expression)
"Just like that."
Aiden of Oreland:
You could go with using a urine bag. That way thee can just go on the go and dump thy pouch out later.
Sir Ulrich:
I don't have this problem at all, because I sweat so much in armor my body doesn't bother trying to expel water cause it's all busy coming out of my skin in the form of sweat. But if it ever does happen I may have to take my hauberk off because it doesn't have a split in the front.
Sir Edward:
My harnesses make it difficult, but not impossible to pee at the privy. But my experience is that I'm usually sweating so badly that I'm skirting the edge of dehydration, so usually it's not a problem until I go to take the armor off, and start to re-acclimate to not wearing it. Then I need to run for the privy right quick! ;)
Roughly 8 hours in it at faire, and usually I can avoid the whole issue until the end of the day.
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