Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Going to the Bathroom in Full Harness

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Mike W.:
The thought occurred to me... For those of you who have full plate mail, or other 14th century harness, and find yourselves in it for extended periods of time, how difficult is it to take care of business?


--- Quote from: wilburnicus on 2014-02-19, 00:35:23 ---The thought occurred to me... For those of you who have full plate mail, or other 14th century harness, and find yourselves in it for extended periods of time, how difficult is it to take care of business?

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I make sure to go to the little knight's room before I armor up.  :)

Peeing is possible in my harness.  I'd have to lift up the haubergeon and arming cotte and I could easily lower the braies... #2 would be very difficult to do in harness.  It's not something I would ever try, haha.

Now in a historical context, you probably had your armor on because you needed to have it on, and if you were in a battle or about to be in one you'd honestly probably just go in your armor without much of a second thought about it.

Mike W.:
And I felt sorry for the ladies in hoop skirts at Civil War reenactments. That's nothing compared to armor, I imagine.

Sir Douglas:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2014-02-19, 01:05:14 ---
--- Quote from: wilburnicus on 2014-02-19, 00:35:23 ---The thought occurred to me... For those of you who have full plate mail, or other 14th century harness, and find yourselves in it for extended periods of time, how difficult is it to take care of business?

--- End quote ---

I make sure to go to the little knight's room before I armor up.  :)

--- End quote ---

Indeed! Fortunately, I'm pretty good at "holding it". I might not wear any plate, but I still wouldn't want to try to maneuver in my harness...especially if Port-a-Johns were involved. ;)

Sir Patrick:
That's just what I was wondering:  At home or at the faire? :)


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