"War is at first like a beautiful girl with whom all men long to play, but in the end like a repulsive hag whose suitors all weep and ache."
                -- Samuel Hanagid (993-1056)

Author Topic: cups and UK Sir Wm Marshal Ale  (Read 3275 times)

Sir John of Felsenbau

  • Sir John of Felsenbau (Ritter Johann von Felsenbau)
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cups and UK Sir Wm Marshal Ale
« on: 2014-02-18, 20:49:59 »
As stated in my e-mail to Sir Edward, these were to be given to those attending my knighting, and are still available if you wish them. See my message to him for more detailed information.

Sir John of Felsenbau
-The Purple Knight-
Mea Motto:  "Perseverantis Vincit Omnia"
Mea Philosophia:
      "Excessus in Moderstia"
      "Crescit Senex est Manditory, Excrescendi est Voluntarium"