Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Out of power

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Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2014-02-06, 16:19:38 ---You should never use a sword for cutting wood, Nate.  Bad for the sword- yours is of a type that was made primarily for slashing and hacking cuts on softer targets.  ;)

--- End quote ---

Quoting this since it's important; blade geometry of a sword is nothing like an axe, and it isn't meant to split wood. You can damage it, and even if it doesn't, it's harsh on the blade.

Sir Wolf:
there is a quote in the 15th century about lords not giving men swords in the retinues cause all they did was cut wood with them lol

Sir Nate:

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2014-02-07, 00:40:51 ---there is a quote in the 15th century about lords not giving men swords in the retinues cause all they did was cut wood with them lol

--- End quote ---

I show why. Lol
I knew it would be bad for the sword. But I just got an urge to go mike loades on a piece of oak.
Boy did it cut fine. I only did it a little, I actually wished I had an axe. Just felt like maiming wood. I got to burn it though, so it went well.
I should have read something. I got all 3 lord of the ring books, and I'm chose to be on the internet.
I think it was because I was doing something that I now had little access to.
Here's a funny pic someone sent me.


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