Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Out of power
Sir Wolf:
we lost power here today... so I turned on the gas fireplace and went to work hehehe
Sir Nate:
Luckily I had a fire place, I went old fashioned today. Cut some wood with my sword. Finished sharpening and using a stoneon my sword. And just tended the fire all day. Wasn't awful, power came back on by 7.
But school was canceled today. And is tomorrow
Sir William:
You should never use a sword for cutting wood, Nate. Bad for the sword- yours is of a type that was made primarily for slashing and hacking cuts on softer targets. ;)
Still, when I was your age, we used to go outside and do something we called 'playing' but no one does it anymore in the real world, its all online. Myself included...I just recently broke away from GTA Online...took a good deal of willpower to shut my 360 off. Then I turned on my PS3 just to watch Netflix (doesn't work well on the 360). But you know what? One of my favorite things to do, still, is read.
Don Jorge:
--- Quote from: Sir William on 2014-02-06, 16:19:38 ---You should never use a sword for cutting wood, Nate. Bad for the sword- yours is of a type that was made primarily for slashing and hacking cuts on softer targets. ;)
Still, when I was your age, we used to go outside and do something we called 'playing' but no one does it anymore in the real world, its all online. Myself included...I just recently broke away from GTA Online...took a good deal of willpower to shut my 360 off. Then I turned on my PS3 just to watch Netflix (doesn't work well on the 360). But you know what? One of my favorite things to do, still, is read.
--- End quote ---
I miss reading...so much of my time is spent connected in one way or the other...
Sir William:
Well, there's the Kindle my wife got me a couple of Christmases ago...I balked at using it at first because I was a huge fan of my paperbacks but...I have near 100 books on my Kindle and room for more. I could carry my whole library if I bothered to acquire them all digitally. But I tend to keep the wireless off so I don't get any notices or reminders as I'm reading; only turning on to acquire new books.
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