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Greetings from Alabamashire

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Aiden of Oreland:
Hail and welcome to the forum! Its always a pleasure to have a new member. If you are also interested, this is a forum for not just forum members but was also created for members of the Order of The Marshal if you wish to look into it. This forum is a great place to get advice, ask questions, and you can also teach us a thing or two.


--- Quote from: Sir Humphrey on 2014-01-02, 17:23:15 ---  I've chosen this time frame because of family connections to several famous knights of that era.  I hope to learn much from this auspicious crowd!

--- End quote ---

Welcome cuz. I too have a number of relations ye unto the middle ages. 

Sir Humphrey:
Thanks Cousin Timothy,

We will have to compare relates soon and see how many times our cousinship is removed.  It appears we already have de Bohuns and Beaumonts in common.

Cousin Humphrey, 

Among others I descend from the Plantagenet's, A number of the Magna Carta Sureties and supporters of King John like William Marshal, Sr and William de Warenne. (as well as King John himself), some Catholic and Armenian saints and other interesting people.

Hugh le Bigod (later Earl of Norfolk)( in-law)
Henry de Bohun, Earl of Hereford GGF
Richard de Clare, Earl of Hertford GGF
Gilbert de Clare (later Earl of Gloucester and Hertford)GGF
John Fitz Robert Cousin?
Robert Fitz Walter Cousin?
John de Lacy, Constable of Chester (later Earl of Lincoln) GGF
Saher de Quincy GGF
Geoffrey de Say Cousin?
Robert de Vere, Earl of Oxford GGF

Again welcome

Sir James A:
Mwahaha! Rob Valentine and Arms & Armor? We're going to have so much fun spending your money with you. :D


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