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SCA Combat Archers

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--- Quote from: Sir Nate on 2014-01-27, 19:25:11 ---Dont you need to have done HEMA Or something along those lines to join or particapate in s.c.a.?

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No, SCA combat is its own sport, and requires no prior experience.

Sir Rodney:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2014-01-27, 19:37:13 ---
--- Quote from: Sir Nate on 2014-01-27, 19:25:11 ---Dont you need to have done HEMA Or something along those lines to join or particapate in s.c.a.?

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No, SCA combat is its own sport, and requires no prior experience.

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Sir Ian is very correct; you don’t need any prior experience to join the SCA.  Simply find your local chapter via the interweb and show up at the next fighter’s practice.  They may have some loaner gear to get you going.

The SCA can be a funny place.  Some take it to near living history standards, some take it too close to Middle Earth, some are too serious, and some don’t take it seriously enough.  Find your happy place and branch out from there.   :)


--- Quote from: RackThor on 2014-01-27, 18:14:57 ---I know some pals in the SCA that I am around that do very well as a SCA archer however I considered trying my hand at it, but only if it is still effective, however I did notice the armor in your photo Thorsteinn. Did you make it yourself?

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Give it a go! YMMV and you could have a blast. I started back when CA was the realm of the light fighter. My first war as a combatant was West/An-Tir 1993 in Yreka, CA. Got to man the Ballista & had a blast.

Not a single piece of armor I wear hasn't passed through my hands to be made or modded. I made my lamellar, gambeson, & coif.

A pic of me all prettied up at a demo in Reno is attached, and one at the 2013 Silver Desert Champinship held in Fallon, NV where I'm less pretty.

Sir Nate:
Well, I think Ill do good.
I have 2 years of sport fencing exeperience.
Sparred with my brothers(free style) up till I was about 12.
Ya, lol. Thought I needed more combat experience to join Sca
Wow, This is Good News! im gonna Join As soon As I have the Right Gear.
So far I have one thing that is(from reading requirements) sca worthy.
This Is Fantastic News!
give me a few years Ill be on the fields of Pennsic in No time.


--- Quote from: Sir Nate on 2014-01-29, 00:13:08 ---Wow, This is Good News! im gonna Join As soon As I have the Right Gear.

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You can go to a fighter practice without having any gear.  In fact it's probably best you do to make sure you like it before you spend a ton on gear.  And if you do like it, you'll have a better idea of what type of gear works best for you.  Buying gear before playing is not advised.


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