Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Game: "Kingdom Come: Deliverance"

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Sir Nate:
bah I still have my books.
Your all to corrupted
"All you play is minecraft and world of warcraft"

--- Quote from: Sir Nate on 2013-12-19, 22:25:27 ---
--- Quote from: DouglasTheYounger on 2013-12-19, 21:37:47 ---
--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2013-12-19, 21:33:46 ---giggle,i cant get past the name and the image displayed of the busty woman

--- End quote ---

Is that...banjo music I hear?

--- End quote ---

Oh for God sakes.

"looks like a good game"

ya it does.

--- End quote ---

Sir wolf has a point.
Were is that hand really going.

Aiden of Oreland:
She reminds me of the wife I used to have in fable. I was on a date with her and I got attacked by balverines. I pulled out my gun to shoot it. When I hit the shoot button my character whipped around and shot my wife. I raged quit.

Sir Edward:
The kickstarter campaign is underway, and has already passed its funding goal (in about 36 hours!).


First video update, which is pretty cool since you get a nice tour of one of the real castles that the game is based on:

Don Jorge:
I want to get into alpha and beta...so might dish out the 40USD...we will see what the budget says...

Sir Edward:

This game is going to rock.


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