Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Game: "Kingdom Come: Deliverance"
Sir William:
I'd have to go thru too much to get back into PC gaming; I rarely even use a PC for anything at all at home- my old gaming rig serves as my 'server' and the laptops we use are all 'lite' versions, not enough power for today's games. Plus, I like playing my XB or PS on my 60"- I don't think I'd see much on a smaller computer monitor. lol
Aiden of Oreland:
--- Quote from: Sir William on 2014-05-14, 16:03:16 ---I'd have to go thru too much to get back into PC gaming; I rarely even use a PC for anything at all at home- my old gaming rig serves as my 'server' and the laptops we use are all 'lite' versions, not enough power for today's games. Plus, I like playing my XB or PS on my 60"- I don't think I'd see much on a smaller computer monitor. lol
--- End quote ---
Amen to that, then again there is a way to plug my PC into my 60"...
Sir William:
I suppose I could; but my rig's so old there isn't much I can play on it beyond the old Half Life, or Age of Empires (one of my favorite PC games of all time).
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