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GURPS- Love it? Hate it? Why?
Aiden of Oreland:
Wow, hold up, I'm still trying to figure out how to even play Magic The Gathering! And thats difficult enough! I guess these things have more of a calling to others.
Don Jorge:
--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2013-12-07, 14:58:19 ---
I still haven't done any GURPS. Back when my gaming group still existed in High School, we did AD&D 1st and 2nd edition, Mechwarrior, Shadowrun, and a few other things. In college we tried some Rifts. And more recently I've done some D&D 3.5 and 4 (btw, 4 sucks compared to 3.5. It's D&D redesigned by WoW players), and also some Deadlands. I recently got the rulebook for Torchbearer (made with a Kickstarter campaign), but haven't opened it yet.
And that's about my range of pen/paper RPGs.
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I HATED 4.0e! So boring and I felt like my spells were just spam-able rather than a wizard with a spellbook! My wizard should be preparing different spells and always have the right one available for the right situation, it is the only fun part of being a wizard!
Sir Edward:
--- Quote from: Belemrys on 2013-12-17, 14:24:09 ---I HATED 4.0e! So boring and I felt like my spells were just spam-able rather than a wizard with a spellbook! My wizard should be preparing different spells and always have the right one available for the right situation, it is the only fun part of being a wizard!
--- End quote ---
Yeah, I have a love/hate response to that. In class AD&D, the problem with playing a mage was that they only had a couple of spell casts, and then they were useless. I think it's great that they have something they can spam away with, but I don't like that the whole thing feels that way. Wizards should still have a very different gameplay mechanic than the melee fighters and the like.
Instead, it's all been equalized. Every class has a couple of spammy abilities, and a few other less-spammable ones, no matter what the class is. So whether you're playing a fighter, wizard, or whatever, they all feel the same.
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