Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

GURPS- Love it? Hate it? Why?

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GURPS- Love it? Hate it? Why?

One of the players in my weekly gaming session is trying to convince us that GURPS is the best thing since sliced bread. If I recall he's been making this argument for years now. From what I've seen it's ugly clunky, crunchy, and by trying to do everything it does nothing well.

It seems to make Hero Games look streamlined.

Am I wrong? Am I right?

Sir Wolf:

Don Jorge:
Heard of it, never done it, barely did tabletop in my youth and have found it hard to do seriously as an adult...too much time and nuance to do it right...I rather LARP :)


--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2013-12-06, 21:41:47 ---what??

--- End quote ---

"The Generic Universal RolePlaying System, or GURPS, is a tabletop role-playing game system designed to allow for play in any game setting." -Wikipedia

I stole cause they explained it better.

only AD&D, and D&D 3.0/.5 here with some exposure to D20.  No GURPS.  If I was going to pick a tabletop system right now it would be Pathfinder, which is based on a 'fixed' version of the D&D 3.5 ruleset.


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