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Functional Leather armor?

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Sir Wulf:
Historically accurate, able to take multiple hits from live steel. Not fantasy, definitely not SCA. Everything I find is light weight leather of 4 to 6 oz leather. Thats thinner than the average leather belt!

Sir Wolf:
there is none. save from the 14thc rerebracer and the tournie armour described in the 15thc.
maybe the horn/leather scale lamallar that is in small finds.....


A few others on the Armour Archive.

Sir William:
It is a shame that Schmitthenner went south, they were the only ones I knew of that made 'functional' leather armor.  Since none have survived from antiquity, we can only speculate based on drawings and the odd mention in lists and writings.  What're you looking for, specifically.

The Inner Bailey was another good leather resource; can't speak for their armor but since they're no longer taking commissions on armor, the point's moot.

Sir Wulf:
I have noticed that the leather armor out there is mostly fantasy/larp crap. Anything based in history is thin stuff. There doesn't seem to be any true "battle-ready" leather armor. I thought I would ask if anybody knew of a source I might of missed in my searches.
My father-in-law used to participate in cowboy reenacting and has made all kind of western leather products. After picking his brain for a couple of weeks I think I have a way to make leather armor that will be strong against blades and blunt impact weapons. Since there doesn't seem to be a supplier of real leather armor I am going to proceed with my idea.


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