I've heard there's something special under the tree tomorrow. I'll post pics when I can. 
I took my armor to my parents house to take pics of myself with a santa hat and sword, and also laying under the tree with a big red bow on. I forgot my boots, which, okay, I can deal with, kinda. I forgot my gauntlets too. I got frustrated and shrugged out of my arming clothes. I'll take the missing bits and get some pics on Monday after work; parents said they'll still have the tree up.
Ironically, I got a box from the Ukraine today. USPS still says "Origin post is preparing shipment". So huzzah for armor!

(Yes, pics will be provided tonight - have to get some laces & clips on the stand first)
my wife is the best! From Allan at merc tailors!
My wife followed the advice of "nothing says love like a mace" and got me the A&A Iberian mace! Woohoo!
Sweet! What are you going to hit with it first??

May that mace wack only for love.
I got a new tunic an armor stand for hauberk and helmet.leg padding with 14g steel knee pads. And a new arming cap that fits and an armor cleaning kit (I also got some mini godzilla figurines.
Well then, pictures! And congrats!
Oh, and at some point, you need to take some pictures towering over the godzilla figures, making menacing gestures towards them.