[...]no elves, no dragons, no fairies, etc.
Well darn...so much for my Elven Fairywyrm kit, complete with studded leather bracers and monster, anime buster sword. Back to the drawing board.

On a more serious note, I just started on a soft kit that I want to at least be living history-grade regardless of whether or not I'm actually able to attend DoK this year. So far I have braies (which I might have to redo since they're technically cotton, not linen), a pair of woolen hose, some shoes, and a linen coif. I'm planning to finish it off with a linen undershirt, a woolen cote, and maybe a surcote and liripipe hood. I'm shooting for late 13th/early 14th C. Am I pretty close?
And does anybody know when cloth buttons came in to fasten cote sleeves? I know sleeves started getting more fitted during the 13th century and have heard that, for a time, they were sewn shut on the wearer each time they were worn. I'm lazy and kind of don't want to do that. But I've seen some reproductions that have a few cloth buttons along the wrist. Can't find any period examples, though. Would I be better off just going with loose sleeves?