I hate to bail last minute like this, but I think I'm going to have to grudgingly pass.

It's a long haul both ways for me to drive it on my way, which, I knew a few days ago. I sat down to map out the route, and with tolls, it's 6 1/2 hours to the timeshare. Which puts me there around 2am, assuming I skip a shower and load the car and leave directly after work. If I bypass tolls, it jumps to 7 1/2 hours time.
I also figured out on gas, that I'm looking at about $150 in gas both ways; that's a big chunk for me to take solo. It wasn't so bad splitting with other people.
I think I'm going to go along with Sir Edward's thought - the important stuff (hopefully important to us!) will be moved, and we can visit it next year. Unfortunately we can't visit the *building*, but 15+ hours on the road solo, on the weekend before Christmas, when I've not bought a single present for anyone yet ... is probably not such a good idea.

I may have to just take a couple aleve and sulk about.

If there are no pictures... blood will be spilled.