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New to this World...

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Sir James A:
I sent a PM a day or two ago regarding the armor. Let me know if you didn't get it.

If you are already engrossed into the LARP community... I'm going to suggest something that, to be perfectly honest, I love suggesting. Multiple kits!

Get your LARP armor, have fun with that, and when it's mostly complete (a kit is rarely ever *complete*), then, start expanding into a new one for SCA. You can get into some of the cheaper SCA armor, and still look pretty decent on the field, for around $1,000 or so (helmet to heels). LARP armor, I have no idea, though. One thing to remember is SCA armor can be used for LARPing; LARP armor can't, 99% of the time, be used for SCA.

Don Jorge:
My problem with SCA armor is finding it and being secure that it will pass Marshall's inspection. Do you guys know where I can get a nice decent SCA set? Also are there any resources to see different kits by a chart or table so I can see which look I want to start working towards?

Thanks a lot for the warm welcome and advice!

Don Jorge:

--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2013-11-06, 20:49:19 ---I sent a PM a day or two ago regarding the armor. Let me know if you didn't get it.

If you are already engrossed into the LARP community... I'm going to suggest something that, to be perfectly honest, I love suggesting. Multiple kits!

Get your LARP armor, have fun with that, and when it's mostly complete (a kit is rarely ever *complete*), then, start expanding into a new one for SCA. You can get into some of the cheaper SCA armor, and still look pretty decent on the field, for around $1,000 or so (helmet to heels). LARP armor, I have no idea, though. One thing to remember is SCA armor can be used for LARPing; LARP armor can't, 99% of the time, be used for SCA.

--- End quote ---

Yes I read your PM, thanks for the input! At this point I have not bought anything except my HEMA Lacross gloves :)

And it seems I cannot buy my Gambeson until I pick out:
a) Time Period for my Kit
b) How historically accurate I want to be (arming points etc) I said...are there any resources showing side by side armor from different centuries in different countries? I am pretty sure my Kit should be English, German, Portuguese or Spanish....I also think I prefer Plate over Chain...James what armor type is it that you sport in your avatar? That looks a lot like my taste...I am sure it is expensive :P

Sir William:
I'll let Sir James regale you with the tale on how he got all of that harness together; now, once you've picked out what period you want to shoot for and how historically accurate you want to get, we can then suggest some armorers you might want to get acquainted with.

Sir Douglas:

--- Quote from: Belemrys on 2013-11-06, 21:13:55 --- I said...are there any resources showing side by side armor from different centuries in different countries?

--- End quote ---

Well, there's this: It's pretty basic, but it might give you some ideas as to what time-frame you want to shoot for. You sound like you're a Late Middle Ages fellow. That's when you started seeing plate gain favor over maille. I mentioned in another thread that I'm a big fan of this book when it comes to armor. The chapters are broken down by century, and there are a lot of really nice photos of period armor and illustrations. Might be worth checking out.


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