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Hail Sir Knights

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Sir Edward:

Hah! Yeah, sometimes what gets passed around as "common knowledge" is completely off the mark too. But yeah, we all have to start somewhere. :)

Don Jorge:

--- Quote from: Edward Jeagal on 2013-11-06, 09:28:29 ---
--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2013-11-05, 21:02:25 ---Hail and welcome! Perhaps you can answer the age-old question of "does the toilet water drain in the opposite direction down under"?

And huzzah for the mid 16th century!!

--- End quote ---

Yes the toilet water does drain in the opposite direction down here however to sustain this phenomenon we are required to offer daily sacrifices to the Mad Laughing Kookabarru Prime Minister. It's cruel and unusual but it's the only way.

Also huzzah for I have found someone who also likes the mid 16th century! It's astonishing for me when I see how little this period is appreciated around here. The farthest the heavy fighters go is late 15th century and everything after that becomes hazy. I've even been told by another SCA member that a sallet + bevor combo was the primary style of head protection for 16th century knights and nobles until the burgonet 'replaced' everything. Bah, one day I'll shall show them the glory of the mid 16th century! Until then, I shall remain silent and listen to such informative comments from my local SCA members such as "the armet was only used for jousting", "the close helm never existed" and "late 14th century knights never had plate armour".

Ha now I'm starting to sound like a terrible whinger but I know they mean well. I know I sounded like a buffoon when I was younger and uninformed so I shouldn't be too hard on them.

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I don't get it...aren't they in SCA to be historically accurate? Why not pass out cards with links to medieval treatises? It is what I would do ;)

I have never met with SCA folk in person (got to go down to my local chapter soon and check it out) but I would think they would do research before talking...personally I know jack diddly so I would be the fool to take their word as cannon...thankfully I have the internet to get second opinions :)

Lord Dane:
Hail and welcome brother from the SCA - East Kingdom, Barony of the Bridge. :) Hope you enjoy your stay in our forum.

Edward Jeagal:

--- Quote from: Belemrys on 2013-11-06, 15:59:43 ---I don't get it...aren't they in SCA to be historically accurate? Why not pass out cards with links to medieval treatises? It is what I would do ;)

I have never met with SCA folk in person (got to go down to my local chapter soon and check it out) but I would think they would do research before talking...personally I know jack diddly so I would be the fool to take their word as cannon...thankfully I have the internet to get second opinions :)

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Well I would say that most of the members I know of are in the SCA to learn about history and smack each other with sticks. Of course, this is just from personal experience so it could go completely different for you. However like Sir Edward said, what gets passed around as 'common knowledge' tends to be completely off the mark and newer members (from all walks of life) tend to accept what's been said from an older member. The 'close helm never existed' and 'the armet was only used for jousting' comments came from a member who was king twice! I couldn't even reply because of a) I didn't want to sound disrespectful when I was being introduced and b) it's hard to argue with someone and come out on top in a verbal debate. Of course with the internet and forums, people can cite sources with a quick search on Google but eh, I don't carry around medieval treatises.

Most of the info in my Barony is passed down from veterans and Lindybeige videos which isn't bad in itself of course. If I had to nitpick a little more, I wished it if that they encouraged its members to seek out proper knowledge and broaden their horizons themselves instead of "listen to this guy, he's right because he says so and he's been here longer". Although, passing out cards with links to medieval treatises does sound like a good idea too.

Ah, thanks for the greeting Lord Dane! Always good to see another SCAdian.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Belemrys on 2013-11-06, 15:59:43 ---
--- Quote from: Edward Jeagal on 2013-11-06, 09:28:29 ---
--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2013-11-05, 21:02:25 ---Hail and welcome! Perhaps you can answer the age-old question of "does the toilet water drain in the opposite direction down under"?

And huzzah for the mid 16th century!!

--- End quote ---

Yes the toilet water does drain in the opposite direction down here however to sustain this phenomenon we are required to offer daily sacrifices to the Mad Laughing Kookabarru Prime Minister. It's cruel and unusual but it's the only way.

Also huzzah for I have found someone who also likes the mid 16th century! It's astonishing for me when I see how little this period is appreciated around here. The farthest the heavy fighters go is late 15th century and everything after that becomes hazy. I've even been told by another SCA member that a sallet + bevor combo was the primary style of head protection for 16th century knights and nobles until the burgonet 'replaced' everything. Bah, one day I'll shall show them the glory of the mid 16th century! Until then, I shall remain silent and listen to such informative comments from my local SCA members such as "the armet was only used for jousting", "the close helm never existed" and "late 14th century knights never had plate armour".

Ha now I'm starting to sound like a terrible whinger but I know they mean well. I know I sounded like a buffoon when I was younger and uninformed so I shouldn't be too hard on them.

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I don't get it...aren't they in SCA to be historically accurate?

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By far a loaded question, but as a general rule in almost any subject and any person... depends on who and what you ask. Ask a 13th century historian about 16th century, or vice versa, and they may be fuzzy or wrong on some things. Always good to get multiple thoughts/opinions, and when they all sound strange, try for some outside validation from a proper historical source if no one can cite at least a couple examples.

I mean, we have plenty of close helmets in a number of museums, not just a single one that might be a victorian or modern butchering of original pieces hobbled together. If they had said early period helms that we have artwork but no surviving examples of didn't exist and were artistic liberties, at least that could be *somewhat* of a possibility of being correct.

If in doubt, ask some European living history guys. Or us. :)


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