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Highlander "reboot" has a director, looks like it will actually be produced

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Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Aiden on 2013-11-07, 01:17:39 ---I am refering to the Sean Connery one. I think the first movie. Idk When was the last time you guys saw it. It was at least a year or 2 ago I saw it.

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At least a couple times this year

Aiden of Oreland:
It might just be that I don't appreciate the movie as much because I didn't grow up with it.

Sir William:
Nostalgia can definitely have an impact on how you view something.  I think back fondly to episodes of tv shows I grew up watching like Transformers, the A-Team, etc etc- having watched some recently I certainly did not remember how poorly written they were but because they're a part of my adolescence, in a weird sort of way, I still love'm.

Sir Wolf:
people of the planet ziest, here me
ashes to ashes, dust to dust, if you dont take it out and use it, its going to rust

Sir Nate:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2013-11-07, 23:14:00 ---Nostalgia can definitely have an impact on how you view something.  I think back fondly to episodes of tv shows I grew up watching like Transformers, the A-Team, etc etc- having watched some recently I certainly did not remember how poorly written they were but because they're a part of my adolescence, in a weird sort of way, I still love'm.

--- End quote ---

Aye nostalgia is a powerful thing, So many long for the past- but there are many that never wish to return to it.
I think the same can be said for the movie Excalibur, when I saw It I liked it. And alot of the Members on this forum or people that get knight stuff grew up with it, and It could be said it was there inspiration.
it certainly stays pretty true to the arthurian legend. but there were some aspects I found to make the movie lack.
The sword in the stone was in london originally. But I guess I didn't mind that too much, considering uther wouldnt have had time to make it all the way back to legend to cast a sword in a stone.
but the lack of, Civilization could be said for budget. (camelot was so shiny it was reflective, DEER GOD- probably tricks killer rabbits)


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