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Author Topic: The Order is the last hope.  (Read 22901 times)

Sir James A

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Re: The Order is the last hope.
« Reply #30 on: 2013-10-23, 14:28:33 »
A board with a nail in it can save humanity. Particularly from one-eyed aliens. :)

I think I can remember that. Is that the one where the burn all the guns and are defenseless? Treehouse of Horrors one?
Knight, Order of the Marshal
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Aiden of Oreland

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Re: The Order is the last hope.
« Reply #31 on: 2013-10-23, 22:04:39 »
😪 fine, I except my defeat. Sometimes letting go is harder than not. To know when you are defeated. Guns are obviously superior too swords. But its still good to keep any resource u have. U cant be picky about what u use. Survival and team work are what matters. Lets just shake on that. 👋
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Sir Nate

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Re: The Order is the last hope.
« Reply #32 on: 2013-10-24, 01:34:52 »
unless you have a lightsaber.
I think that's fair ground, considering zombies are just as mythical as lightsabers.
Nathan Phillip Max
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Re: The Order is the last hope.
« Reply #33 on: 2013-10-24, 04:59:33 »
Hey, Sir Aiden, no need to take it as a defeat, just a chance to learn. Trust me, when I was your age (good God, I'm an 18 year old using that phrase!  :P) I was always learning, often or not through my own misconceptions. I myself gained my love of firearms from starting with bows and crossbows, look into them sometime!  :)
Trust me, I know bows are pretty freaking awesome. That's one of the reasons I shoot  ;)
There is a certain ability, that of instinct aiming, that you really only get through shooting a bow. If you like them, keep at it. Also they would be good for anything involving stealth. A silencer is nothing more than a misnomer (exactly why the chic word to use is suppressor).

I'm not saying at all that bows and blades would be useless, just that in my opinion, guns will still be the predominant weapon.
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Sir Edward

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Re: The Order is the last hope.
« Reply #34 on: 2013-10-24, 14:29:22 »
A board with a nail in it can save humanity. Particularly from one-eyed aliens. :)

I think I can remember that. Is that the one where the burn all the guns and are defenseless? Treehouse of Horrors one?

Treehouse of Horrors II, I think, but yes. :)
Sir Ed T. Toton III
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Sir James A

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Re: The Order is the last hope.
« Reply #35 on: 2013-10-24, 17:32:13 »
😪 fine, I except my defeat. Sometimes letting go is harder than not. To know when you are defeated. Guns are obviously superior too swords. But its still good to keep any resource u have. U cant be picky about what u use. Survival and team work are what matters. Lets just shake on that. 👋

Guns aren't superior if you want to decapitate someone silently. Or if you have a grenade launcher in a shed. They are if you are trying to shoot something from 500 yards away. Again, it's all situational. :)
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Aiden of Oreland

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Re: The Order is the last hope.
« Reply #36 on: 2013-10-24, 20:23:45 »
Sir Nathan I have to admit I'm an archer myself. I actually was starting my medieval adiction around archery. I signed up for archery in school this year, but I have never had the time to attend sadly. And James, Thats why they have silencers and our military still use knives because a blade is still one of the perfect weapons.
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Sir Nate

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Re: The Order is the last hope.
« Reply #37 on: 2013-10-25, 02:47:34 »
Wasn't it in the king phillips war were the advantage the native's had against the colonist was there use of bow's and arrows.
It was just so much faster and more accurate, guns back then couldn't go the distance.
but they all had swords and axes, the colonists had more men though but there were alot of casualties on both sides.
Nathan Phillip Max
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Aiden of Oreland

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Re: The Order is the last hope.
« Reply #38 on: 2013-10-25, 02:58:02 »
Also remember around that time people were just strting to learn guerrilla warfare. Just a few years later we had men with muskets that could shoot great distances and were used to take out leaders and native american guides that lead british through the woods. During the Revolutionary War. Leaving british helpless. Guerrilla war fair beat the british methods of just forming a giant line. Bows were more tactical tho. You may not be surprised, but they Don't teach the history of America to England. And England sees it as a huge loss while we see it the opposite way. Yet we are great allies now.
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Re: The Order is the last hope.
« Reply #39 on: 2013-10-25, 06:11:50 »
"Dies The Fire" anyone?

Yay! I was wondering if someone were going to mention that series of books. Society is thrust back to pre-industrial science - even guns will not function. SCA types and re-enactors literally rule what is left of the world after billions die off.... If you can get past the New-Age stuff, this is a great series for folks like us.
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Aiden of Oreland

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Re: The Order is the last hope.
« Reply #40 on: 2013-11-04, 03:02:43 »
Why yes it is. We will rule the world! Muahaha😈
-"I raise not the sword, but the shield."-Aiden Max