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The Fall of Arthur, J.r.r. Tolkien.

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Sir Matthew:
I really liked Silmarillion and read it several times. I have 4 of the 9 books that are the behind the scenes books like Unfinished Tales, most of the content of these are writing collected by Christopher Tolkien and assembled to form "books". If I remember correctly, some of the later chapters in the Silmarillion were much the same. I did a report in High School comparing Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time to Tolkien's The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. Got a really good grade, my teacher liked it and told me she would have to find the Wheel of Time books because based on my report they sounded excellent (which they are).

Sir Nate:
I have the children of Hurin on my shelve, I had started reading the lost tales part 1 but it got stolen at school. I've misplaced the part 2, i need to get the silmarillion.

Don Jorge:
I love the Simirillion, LOTR and the Hobbit! I have been meaning to read some more of the Background books but haven't had much time...there are also some excellent reference books that break down Tolkien like an encyclopedia...I will check my library when I get home for the names :)

Oh i forgot i had this picture...some of the titles are blurry (like that thick beige book on the left that is a encylopedia of term in middle earth lore)

Found the title!

Sir Douglas:
Nice Tolkien library!

I have both the Silmarillion and the Legend of Sigurd and Gudrun, but haven't gotten around to reading either of them yet. Frankly, the Silmarillion looks kind of intimidating; I've heard it can be a tough read like Sir William said. Legend looks really good though.

Sir William:
Looks like the Fall of Arthur is to be written in the form of a long running poem; I feel my interest flagging already.


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