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The Fall of Arthur, J.r.r. Tolkien.

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Sir Nate:
Im doing a Report on j.r.r. Tolkien and while researching him, I found this which I had no Idea existed.
He was writing it before even the hobbit, but didn't finish it.

Sir William:
Wow...I'm a huge fan of his and never heard of this one; it is probably the one written work of his that I haven't read.

Sir Nate:
Ive only read the Hobbit, and Fellowship so far, but I definetly need to read this, im a huge tolkien a arthurian fan.

Sir Douglas:
I believe this one actually just came out within the past year. How many other authors are still having new books published 40 years after their death. ;)

Sir Nate:
lol no one really.


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