Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
The Order is the last hope.
Lord Dane:
Hellgate gives you technological innovation with mankind's fight against evil. Modern day Templars are tradition meets technology.
Sir Nate:
oh snap!
Aiden of Oreland:
You have a point Lord Dane. But Medieval Europe also had gun powder warfare. They could launch projectile lile spears (before there were cannon balls) that would blow apart thy enemy into little pieces. It wasn't used because it was unholy and unhonorable.
Actually, Knights coexisted with gunpowder on the battlefield for about 300 years or so. It wasn't until the 17th century, and the advent of the incredibly powerful heavy Musket (about .75 caliber, fired a solid iron (several oz.) ball that armour was truly made impractical.
Really, it was powder that allowed Europe to truly become master of the whole world. While in any post-apocalypse situation, a reversion to older, simpler, and easier methods will occur, this will only serve to put those who have a technological weapons advantage in an even better position, compared to the lesser-armed groups of people.
"Blades don't run out of bullets" This is true, and a very good reason to always keep one handy. But blades don't kill a person at several hundred rounds a minute, nor with enough power to punch through a cinderblock wall, nor at a range up to and exceeding a mile. This is why I think guns will still remain quite important in any such situation.
Though in a zombie situation, both blades and other melee weapons and armour would regain prominent a place in battle, and trust me, no one would be happier about this than me.
Lord Dane:
Sir Nathan speaks well as usual. However, anyone wishing for a zombie apocalypse upon us deserves to be one of the undead themselves. Let me get my new Albion for this occasion. :P
As sad as it is, fact is firearms and technology reign over those with lesser means of defense. Handy yes but those who are dependent upon them when they fail cannot typically resort to efficiency with simpler methods of fighting or survival. I always say: Use what you have naturally first (mind, mouth, body, skill), then progress to other means of secondary tools. Does no good to give a weapon to anyone who does not have the proper mindset or skill to use it effectively or at all for that matter.
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