Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
The Order is the last hope.
Aiden of Oreland:
Yes, guns are prefered today and are used because they are better. But what I'm also inferring that it requires machines to create guns and bullets. While a blade, bow, and other tools that come from mother earth are plentiful. And in todays society, more people have guns rather than swords. More display than real. But look at the fact that our group probably have more swords than guns any way. Guns will last us only for a little while after the apocalypse. But ya, if I had a real gun I would look like one of the other knights who posted himself in his armor with a gun.
Lord Dane:
--- Quote from: Sir Aiden on 2013-10-22, 19:40:12 ---Yes, guns are prefered today and are used because they are better. But what I'm also inferring that it requires machines to create guns and bullets. While a blade, bow, and other tools that come from mother earth are plentiful. And in todays society, more people have guns rather than swords. More display than real. But look at the fact that our group probably have more swords than guns any way. Guns will last us only for a little while after the apocalypse. But ya, if I had a real gun I would look like one of the other knights who posted himself in his armor with a gun.
--- End quote ---
No I can make a simple flintlock with basic tools & parts. No machinery really needed. Just need a good knowledge of iron making/smelting or forging.
the beauty of early firearms were that they didn't require machines. What's really happening here is you're allowing your romantic view of swords to overshadow the reality of early gunpowder weapons. ;)
A handgonne from the end of the 14th century. At the recent living history event I attended, one group did a full demo using a reproduction version of a handgonne, complete with firing it.
Sir Douglas:
The way I see it, if the zombie you-know-what hit the fan, your most useful weapon is going to be your brain; how well you can improvise with the supplies you have at hand (maybe that's why zombies always want to eat your brains....). You could be stuck in a bunker full of ammunition, but no guns. If you understand how ammunition works, you could throw together some pretty effective traps, or even a rudimentary firearm.
On the other hand, if you don't know what you're doing, you can just as easily make a bow that will snap in your face as you can a gun that will explode in your hand.
In a crisis scenario like that, I wouldn't discard a weapon because it was "too modern" or "too archaic". I'd use whatever I had on hand. Heck, I'd settle for a two-by-four with a nail sticking out of it if that's all I could find. ;)
Sir James A:
The samurai were slow to adopt firearms over bows because early firearms were prone to malfunctions or no-fires if the powder was wet, barrel was wet, etc. A wet bow will still shoot, wet arrows still work. Once firearm tech advanced, the advantages outweighed the disadvantages.
The wise warrior, knight or otherwise, would use the best tool (weapon) for the job that he has access to. That may be a firearm. That may be a sword. That may be a land mine. That may be a vat of acid. It also might be fire... there's rarely a circumstance, barring flammable areas, where "kill it with fire!" isn't an acceptable plan. :)
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