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Darkwood HEMA gauntlets

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Sir Edward:
I picked up a pair of these, but in stainless:

I haven't fought with them yet, but they fit me well, and and I thought it would be worth a try. Several features that I like:

1. The large plate over the fingers moves with them, adding a layer of protection, without confining the fingers.

2. Finger-tips are enclosed around the sides and front. For instance, doing the "thumb grip" on the sword leaves practically no gap between the metal and the blade.

3. There's a layer of neoprene for padding between the glove and the steel. It's glued to the glove to save on costs (stitching would take so long that the cost would go way up), and unfortunately it was already pealing a little before I bought it, but I can re-glue it myself or do some stitching.

4. Lightweight. I think they're lighter than my crap hourglass-gaunts.

They didn't seem to significantly restrict my hands in any way, with some simple handling of a sword, and transitioning guards and the like. Before I use them though, I need to either get better forearm protection, or fix the missing buttons on my gambeson cuffs, since right now it will expose some bare skin there.

Since I haven't fought with them yet, it's possible I may turn up things I don't like about them. I don't know anything about their long-term durability yet, for instance.

Has anyone compared them to Sirmrks TI gauntlets? WHat did you pay for Spring Stainless?

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Thorsteinn on 2013-09-25, 18:20:54 ---Has anyone compared them to Sirmrks TI gauntlets? WHat did you pay for Spring Stainless?

--- End quote ---

No idea. They were $600 in stainless. But I got a discount on my overall purchase since I was buying gaunts, a saber, and a dagger trainer all at once. :)

Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2013-09-25, 18:31:36 ---No idea. They were $600 in stainless. But I got a discount on my overall purchase since I was buying gaunts, a saber, and a dagger trainer all at once. :)
--- End quote ---
LOL! Welcome to the dueling sabre world!  ;D

Those gaunts look great!

But you might want to check to see if those cuffs impede you doing a scheitelhau correctly
because I had a pair of steel clamshell gaunts that had cuffs that did.  :-\

Sir Wolf:
sexy  8)


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