Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

For those in peril on the sea...

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Sir Patrick:
My condolences as well. Their families are in my prayers.

Sir William:

--- Quote from: Sir Patrick on 2013-09-25, 15:35:52 ---My condolences as well. Their families are in my prayers.

--- End quote ---

And in mine as well; may God have mercy on their souls and give comfort and succour to the families.

Sir Nate:
my condolences

Sir Douglas:
My condolences, Ian.
And God bless you, your students, all of the fine folks who serve, and their families.
I thank you for your service.

Sir Brian:
A tragedy like this is always difficult to come to terms with. You hope and pray those you have trained and served with will have a long and healthy life after a long and distinguished career. So when their lives are cut short we are compelled to remember just how dangerous the military profession is at all times and not just in war. Yet in a sense we can at least understand and take comfort that those of our brethren that have fallen in the line of duty convey with them the abounding pride for sharing a few moments in their brief yet noble lives of those who have known them.


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