Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

For those in peril on the sea...

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B. Patricius:

--- Quote from: Lord Dane on 2013-09-25, 00:32:05 ---My condolescences, brother. Here's to your comrades.
A salute in their honor, A prayer for their sacrifice, A toast to their service.
Blessings upon them & their families or loved ones.

--- End quote ---

truly beautiful Lord Dane, again.  And I couldn't have said it better.

fair winds and following seas to you Sir Ian, brother.  Their families will be in my prayers.  I too, have students that have given their all, and it's never easy to cope with.

Grand Master Garland:
Sir Ian,

God reward your Charity.

A Mass will be offered this month for the repose of the soul of CWO3 Jon Gibson by the Most Rev Dr Joseph Mar Thomas, Prince Bishop of the Hospital of St. John.

Eternal rest grant unto him, Oh Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him.  May his soul and the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.  Amen.

Sir James A:
Welcome back Grand Master Garland. Very nicely said.

Lord Dane:
A welcomed eulogy for the departed Grand Master Garland. Thank you for the expression of God's blessings upon those we honor. I'm sure the family will appreciate the thoughts & prayers. God bless you. 

Sir Martyn:


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