Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

what would one do with the armor after they have passed

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Sir Nate:
I have always thought about what happens to my armor and swords after I die. Would I want to be buried with them? perhaps lend them to my sons and daughters, or any kin? I don't know yet but it always comes up in my head now and then.
Has anyone else ever pondered upon this or already has a sense of what they want to do with it when they die.
What do these questions mean to you?
here would be some things that one would think of doing.
3.pass on to kin
4.bury with it
5.Dont know

Sir Brian:
I would prefer to be buried with mine in full dress with shield. If I have the opportunity to be buried.

Sir Patrick:
I had always planned on being buried in it, but lately I've been kicking around being cremated, so in that case I'd pass it on to kin.

Sir Douglas:
I'd love to see the look on the mortician's face after someone told him that the recently deceased wanted to be buried in full armor. ;D

Sir Ulrich:
Pass it down to my son of course. I just hope they dont dislike medieval stuff and sell it off. Maybe I should just donate it to a museum then...


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